Does Morgentaler Deserve Hardness of Heart? Monday, June 3rd, 2013 8:04 pm









I posted this comment on tonight.  It’s regarding Sun News Network’s Brian Lilley and his thoughts on the death of abortionist Henry Morgentaler.  Please watch the video before reading my response, for proper context.

With all due respect, Lilley is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. He won’t mourn Morgentaler’s death, but talks about the darkness of his soul which is the most tragic of circumstances.
The. Most. Tragic.
But here’s the thing. Here’s what I know. Those dead babies, in the context of this news cycle, are not the point. Those innocent lives ripped from millions upon millions of wombs is neither here nor there, in relation to this story.
Do you follow? I hope you do.
The point is, Morgentaler could be experiencing a pain not 83 billion trillion abortions could induce. Morgentaler just might be, right now, undergoing a torment of the soul that will last a lifetime. And another lifetime. And another. And another. And another. And another…
And so. Remind me again why I should not be mourning this lost soul?
Someone. Please remind me, for the love of God who is Love, and who loved(s?) the dead Morgentaler possibly as much as he loves the living Goddard.
No. I WILL mourn the loss of Henry Morgentaler. And I will feel a deep pang for the fact that Damian Goddard simply… simply… has not done enough to stem the tide of this… this… insanity.
God have mercy on me. And God have mercy on the soul of so-called doctor, Henry Morgentaler.