I Don’t Pay Attention To Politics – October 16th, 2013 4:22 pm



This one is making the rounds on Facebook.  H/T to Steve Jalsevac of LifeSiteNews.com.


And to underline it all, I thought I’d chime in with this picture…



You see, friends, those ladies and gents in the dresses and suits with the hair done up and the shirts nicely pressed and the hands joined to mark remorse for the gruesome sight laid out before them… those ladies and gents didn’t pay attention to politics, either.

And rest assured, that blood – or whatever can be drawn from an emaciated corpse brutalized by the devil’s minions – is on their hands.

And make no mistake; the holocaust of abortion weighs heavily on ALL of our shoulders.  Some more than others.

Are we doing enough to stop the horror?  Are we TRULY doing enough?