“Throwing Ice-Water On The ‘Selfie’ Culture” – August 24th, 2014 11:36 pm

“Western Catholics, especially since The Asteroid (™) hit in the mid-1960s, have been steadily drained of an appreciation of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary, and have been indoctrinated with Protestant-atheist ideas that A.) their sins aren’t really sins at all and thus they should NOT feel shame or guilt for them and B.) even if they do sin, God’s mercy is a given, a blanket that covers everything (ahem), so don’t even sweat it. Shame is a an antiquated, peasant concept far beneath the modern, everlasting man…. The world is going to hell IN A HANDBASKET because shame is considered a psychological defect to be overcome, and a hate crime when recommended to others.”

– Ann Barnhardt, “We Should Be Ashamed”

“I could really use, to lose my Catholic conscience,
Cuz I’m getting sick of feeling guilty all the time…”

– Great Big Sea, “Consequence Free”

“It was pride that changed angels into devils;
it is humility that makes men as angels.”

– Saint Augustine
And all of this, as folk continue to pour ice water over their heads…
and as others continue to slough off the threats of Islam and brow-beat – in a spirit of ‘ecumenism’ – those who have eyes to see…

I dunno how some of us can’t plainly see the demarcation line between the Church of Christ and this modernized Church of Man bent on laying sacrifices at the ‘selfie’ altar.

Strive for that perfect faith Our Lord commands of us. For it is in the striving towards perfection that we can be truly genuine and sincere in our love of Him who is Love.

Sacred Heart -08